What characterizes above all the works of Doctor LEFEBURE, it is their experimental base. Relying since 1959 on experimentation, he realized himself the prototypes of his devices. The first commercialized Alternophone models were even assembled by Dr LEFEBURE himself in his laboratory of Gretz-Armainvilliers, before being entrusted to a manufacturer.

Dr LEFEBURE has always considered the people who were interested in his work as collaborators, remaining very attentive to their observations, which led to the discovery of new phosphenic phenomena.

Today, with the explanations given by Dr LEFEBURE in his books, it is the practitioners who are advancing Phosphenic research, by a personal approach leading to the emergence of new devices: rotating seat, cerebral synchro-cyclotron, Virtual Gyrascope and others.

Solitary, but united, the Phosphenists form a very geographically dispersed entity. Most of them have never met, and may never meet. This is the reason why I have tried to create different links between Phosphenists, so that each one can share his experiences, his discoveries and his passion for Phosphenism.

The testimony space is one of these links.


Hoping that this information will allow you to carry out splendid experiments, and that in your turn, you will share them with us, thus generating an exponential dynamics of diffusion of Phosphenism.

Thank you all for your support.

Daniel Stiennon


All of Doctor LEFEBURE’s books are available for download (in .pdf format) at a contributory price. However, as we had to call upon an independent translator to translate them, their price varies according to the number of letters and their level of linguistic complexity.

Phosphenic devices, such as the « phosphenic bulb » which is of the « photo » type, are made by French manufacturers and are produced in small series, which already increases the cost price. On the other hand, to justify these relatively high prices, we propose them with a 6 months guarantee.

NOTE : The contributory price helps us to pay for the expensive costs related to the domain name registrations, the servers and the website maintenance. So, please, in the interest of all Phosphenists, don’t try to pirate our ebooks. 

If you find any of our contents during your internet searches, please let us know so that we can exercise our right to get them removed. 

We remind you that the writings of Dr Lefebure and the texts distributed by the PHOSPHENISM Editions, as well as the images which illustrate books, magazines, internet sites, are protected by a Copyright.

How can I, at my level, help to make Phosphenism known?

Do not try to convince, but only give the information that the works of Dr Lefebure exist.

To do that, you can:
– Simply give the address of the site:
– With an interlocutor, use short sentences such as: « I discovered », « I practice », « try it yourself, you’ll see », etc.
– In your email signatures, you can write:
« your name
Visit: »

Or else

« your name
I practice Phosphenism ( »

– Ditto for Facebook and your blogs.


1) Do not copy passages from this website or from our ebooks to paste them in your blog or website. It is not only plagiarism, but it also lacks originality and creativity, and in the end, it is never well perceived by the internet users which will ever prefer words coming from yourself.

2) If you meet a detractor, simply tell him or her that he or she is talking about something he or she does not know and invite him or her to visit the website thoroughly:

Moreover, as surprising as it may seem, you will not find any criticism from confirmed practitioners. The thousands of testimonies compiled on this website (see section: Testimonies) speak for themselves. 

In any case, although they are right to keep a critical mind, the attitude of the rare detractors is often contemptuous towards the practitioners of Phosphenism. That is why it is not useful to try to answer them. 

Phosphenism is a doorway to the exploration of a subjective world. It does not pretend to analyze an objective reality in the manner of an exact science. However, this subjective world is part of reality, and everyone can experience it, for example through dreams. 

It is undeniable that the theoretical foundations put forward by Dr Lefebure may be debatable. By the way, this principle is also valid for all hard sciences. It is nevertheless true that phosphenic techniques induce unforgettable subjective experiences in their practitioners, as many of them testify. 

Dr Lefebure’s empirical approach, which puts the emphasis on experimentation, is not dogmatic. So, to reject Phosphenism in its entirety is also to despise the words of those who have expressed themselves. 

Therefore, the detractors don’t take pride in devaluing the practitioners. And they are no more credible than someone who would say that dreams do not exist because nobody has been able to show one under a microscope. 

There are opportunists. So, if in the course of your « browsing » on the web, you come across documents, informations, etc. on Phosphenism, remain very reserved and beware of putting into practice what is proposed to you. Almost all of these documents are misleading because, as with certain medicines, there are amalgams of techniques that it is better not to use. 

The internet is also that: 90% of users who take their website, their blog, or the fora as therapy and who pour out their neurosis, their phobias or their paranoia at the image of our sick society. 

It is therefore advisable to be careful and to respect 2 rules: 

1 – To refer only to our official website. 
2 – To remain very careful and reserved as for the other writings, and to pay attention to the date of their publication because some are old and things can happen in 10 years. 

Dr. Lefebure, by the very content of his works, has set the level quite high; what saves us from the vast majority of neurotics people who destroy the esoteric circles in which they participate. 

To all of you, thank you for your help and for your support. 

Dr LEFEBURE School, the first teaching center for 
applied initiatic techniques. 

Far from the stupid and debilitating sects, far from the pompous and secret societies, Phosphenism imposes itself, more and more, as an alternative for all those who are in search of a true esoteric knowledge. 

Today, Phosphenism is practiced by hundreds of thousands of people in the whole world. 

In Phosphenism, there is no guru to whom one must give allegiance, no dogma (one can be a believer or an atheist), no followers cut off from the world, but only individual practitioners perfectly integrated into society. No psychological pressure can be exerted on the practitioners who decide to stop (there is no community). Finally, Phosphenism has no vocation to infiltrate the authorities and it is for all these reasons that it is the only esoteric/initiative organization in the world which is not classified as a « sect ». 

Phosphenism is the diffusion to the general population of a teaching which was formerly confidential and reserved to an elite of initiates. 

The PHOSPHENISM Publishing was created in 1986 to disseminate the masterly works and discoveries of an exceptional researcher and an extraordinary man, the Doctor Francis LEFEBURE. 

The Dr LEFEBURE School, created in 1987, pursues the research and the diffusion of the Dr LEFEBURE. 

And, for those who are wondering, YES, we advertise to make Dr. Lefebure’s works known. 

But be aware that each dollar brought in, we reinvest it entirely in advertising as well as in the functioning of the school and of the publishing. In other words, since our objective is to make Phosphenism known, we do not seek to make profit.