The true meaning of Initiation (from the Latin ‟initium”: beginning, start) is the release of energies that will allow the fulfillment and the expression of the faculties inherent to the individual.

Focusing on direct or indirect sources of light is at the origin of all forms of initiation and can be found in all traditions.

It is that focusing, and, consequently, the phosphene that gives access to the powers of the mind, nevertheless many people believe these powers belong to ‟an elite of initiates or chosen individuals” because they ignore the true nature of initiation.

These powers are actually very easy to obtain and develop as long as a few simple guidelines are followed.


At the age of eighteen, Francis LEFEBURE was initiated by Arthème Galip, following a laying on of hands which provoked phenomena of esoteric clairvoyance, astral projection or out of body experience, and visions. The Zoroastrian Master also showed him certain exercises, in particular head sways, in order to maintain and develop the capacities thus awakened. It is due to that powerful impetus that Doctor LEFEBURE discovered psychic phenomena which were going to transform his life and project him on a search that, as he was unaware of at that time, would last his entire life.

The process of laying on of hands, such as it was practiced in the past, provided no clue as to what gave the initiator such a power, nor was it understood that the process could produce higher states of consciousnesses and spiritual phenomena in the candidate for initiation. The explanation of these capacities was always related to a philosophical or religious interpretation, most of the time irrelevant.

At the time when Doctor LEFEBURE received that impetus, psychic phenomena were still regarded as mysterious and were reserved for certain initiates or certain select individuals. Nevertheless, at the age of forty-four, when he met the Indonesian mystic Pak Subuh, he had the certainty that these phenomena were actually caused by specific practices acting upon cerebral functions at a deep level, producing very particular states of consciousness. Like Galip, Subuh used swaying movements, but the rhythm was different.

The evening of his encounter with Subuh, while returning to his hotel, he had the idea of observing the effects of head movements on a phosphene obtained by using his bedside lamp. He realized that there was only one movement of the head which made the phosphene sway, because if he swayed his head too slowly, the phosphene remained fixed, and if he swayed his head too quickly, the phosphene disappeared.

It is thus by analyzing the effect of head sways on the brain, using phosphenes, in order to compare the exercises which Galip had given him to those practiced by Subuh, that Doctor LEFEBURE made his first great discovery and realized that phosphenes increase the cerebral potentialities of the individual.

The word initiation comes from Latin initium, which means beginning, start. The true meaning of initiation is thus the transmission of a powerful impetus through the release of cerebral energies, in particular through sways, which will make it possible to materialize and express the highest faculties of the individual.

This discovery of the effect of rhythmic thinking on cerebral capacities quite naturally places the initiatory techniques in the field of cerebral physiology. In the end, this confers to ‟Initiation” a much wider sense than the narrow cultural or intellectual sense it is habitually limited to: it is no longer a question of a gift or a capacity resulting from the moral quality of the individual. Doctor LEFEBURE thus highlighted the structuring action of the rhythm on the brain and thought functions. Initiation is thus not a gift of God, given as a reward to one person in particular, but rather a universal gift made to all mankind, each person being able to follow the laws of nature which the Greeks called ‟Physiology”.

The tradition of swaying is found in all cults and religions. It can be observed in the Jewish religion, the Islamic religion, the Sufi tradition and in the daily practices of the ‟sannyasin” of India (those who renounce), as well as in Asia: for example in the Shinto religion (Japan), in China, in Taoist practices, and also in Chinese popular traditions. In Egypt, in tombs dating from the time of Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV, 14th century B.C), archaeologists have discovered mural paintings representing dancers performing what would probably be ritual sways.

Parallel to the universal practice of swaying, there exists another point common to religious rites, initiations and all forms of mystical search: focusing on sources of light.

For instance, the Zoroastrians use a fire and the Tibetans a flame. The sun or the moon was also worshipped. The reflection of the sun on water is used by African mystics; Nostradamus used the reflection of the moon on a silver tray when he wanted to create phenomena of clairvoyance and transmit them to Catherine de Medici. The initiation rites of the Mysteries of Eleusis, which formed all the great men of Ancient Greece, whether philosophers, mathematicians or poets, consisted in focusing on a torch and then visualizing an ear of wheat with the eyes closed. In the Catholic religion, a candle is lit for prayer. In Orthodox worship, the priest sways while praying and focusing on a candle‘s flame.

Clairvoyants also use that rudimentary and instinctive practice when they place a candle near a crystal ball. Again, they obtain a phosphene using the reflection of light, the crystal ball acting as a magnifying glass. As all reflected light is more or less polarized, that explains flashes of clairvoyance. It is the same for ‟magic mirrors” which are absolutely not magical; it is their capacity for reflection that matters. We could quote hundreds of examples that all concur completely, without getting into chancy hypotheses. Studying texts, religions, cults and traditions will show the researcher that phosphenes have greatly contributed to the development of mankind.

It seems that those who had fully understood the importance of the role played by phosphenes in the development of the individual sought to dissimulate it. For example, it was prohibited, under the penalty of death, to reveal the initiation rites of the Mysteries of Eleusis. Similarly, the Taoists were the victims of persecution practiced by the lords who wanted to prevent the diffusion of that knowledge. Moreover, numerous commentators have pointed out that in reading the Bible from an entirely objective point of view, one can see that Christ was put to death for the disclosure of secrets. We would add to this: secrets related to the science of phosphenes. In addition, up to that point the phenomenon of phosphenes had never been studied, due to what Doctor LEFEBURE called the ‟feeling of obviousness”. The phenomenon of phosphenes is simply so obvious that one forgets to ask even the most elementary questions about it.





These animations are the continuation of:

Phosphenic Mixing


It begins shortly after the 3 minutes or after your phosphene has passed the dark blue phase. After this phase, continue the observation of your vision field during several minutes.

Note: You will be able to more easily observe the ‟initiatic phosphene”, if you have previously practiced doing ‟classic” phosphenes, in order to develop and activate your brain‘s rhythmo-phosphenic function.

Duration of the animation:
1 min 15

(or VISUAL CHAOS, also called AURA, exercise)

1: Look for and then focus on a detail in the visual chaos (or aura).

2: Observe the nuances of the colors.

3: Observe the forms which are inside.

4: Observe the movements that are perceived.

5: Look for the details and observe the sensations, visual perceptions, thoughts and the way you perceive your body.

6: For a long period of time, observe the diffuse glow (the final phase of the phosphene, of a whitish slightly grey color).

Note: For the persons who have some experience in initiatic techniques and for those who have developed psychic powers, the diffuse glow is comprised of highly rhythmic movements.
Its observation, coupled with rhythmo-phosphenic exercises, is the key to accessing higher perceptions.

7: Observe the details of the visual, cenesthesic, and auditive sensations, etc. and LET YOURSELF BE CARRIED ALONG BY THE RHYTHMS THAT YOU FEEL.


Dr. LEFEBURE Courses


WORKSHEET #7: Vital Force Sways,
the Great Life Force’s Transmission with the focusing point’s oscillation.

Allows to unite oneself with the vital force of the Universe.

Technical note:
– To be practiced on a tempo of 3 seconds, but can be practiced on a slower rhythm for even greater benefits. For example 4, 5 even 6 seconds.
– Sway the hips and tilt the head with ample movements.
– No small movements of the body.
– After you have produced the phosphene, visualize a luminous line which undulates inside your body and one in front of you undulating on the same tempo at the same time. From time to time, miniaturize it in the phosphene.
– Let yourself be carried along by the emanations of the diffuse glow.

20 to 45 minutes


Dr. LEFEBURE Courses

Phosphenism, its effects are no longer to be proven, but to discover.


WORKSHEET #8: Ocular Convergence

Preamble: Dr. Francis LEFEBURE considered ocular convergence to be the key exercise, and he never missed an occasion for practicing it, in particular during each meal accompanied by a prayer.

Of all the exercises, this is quite certainly the most difficult one to do.

Once again, just as for the sways and other initiatic exercises, we remark that all children practice this instinctively even if they have not seen it being done by another child

Concentration between the eyes, i.e. on the eye of Shiva or phosphene, is traditionally connected to the exercise of mental void. It is not a kind of philosophic nihilism, but on the contrary, an acute feeling of void, which we find notably in Tibetan yoga.

It is a question of being able to provoke that acute feeling of void, by trying hard to chase thoughts away as soon as they appear.
But you should not try to provoke a complete mental void, which, furthermore, is neither practicable nor desirable.
Here, the effort of chasing away thoughts produces the same effect as a pump, and you should not prevent thoughts from rising up in your consciousness. It is necessary, on the contrary, to accept the thoughts that arise spontaneously.
Each successive thought is always of better quality than the previous one which, in effect, was lying around in consciousness. That way, little by little, more interesting elements make their appearance.

Find all the exercises associated with ocular convergence,
by following the complete training.

In the stained glass windows of the « Notre-Dame d‘Amiens » Cathedral (France), the ones which are at the very top over the choir, the two saints depicted are quite obviously practicing ocular convergence. Their eyes are not vaguely directed upward, as in many paintings, but they are really directed towards the upper extremity of the eyes. They are surrounded by sorts of flames which symbolize the aura and also the halo. The point of convergence of these flames and the center of these concentric haloes is precisely the point they are looking at, between the two eyes.

This is interesting because that Cathedral was built, after returning from one of the Crusades, by a bishop who had accompanied Louis IX (Saint Louis) and who was his right-hand man. Thus, during the Crusades it was very possible that the westerners were once again immersed in the true sources of Christianity and its initiatory exercises.

I found that representation of eye convergence in a painting in the Carmelite Church at Vidigueira, Portugal.
It depicts the presentation of the infant Jesus at the Temple for the rite of circumcision, which corresponds to the point in the Gospel where the old man Simeon, who is holding the child, exclaims: ‟I thank the Lord for having let me see the light so I can die in peace”.

This obviously refers to the spiritual light of Christ. A very curious fact: for this particular phrase, we quite clearly see the old man Simeon practicing ocular convergence, his eyes being clearly directed inward and not upward. This would deserve further investigation so as to learn more about the origin of the picture.

Photography of the stained glass windows of the « Notre-Dame d‘Amiens » Cathedral (France), where we quite clearly see the Saints in the position of eye convergence, showing that during the Catholic Crusades returned to the true sources of Christianism: the initiatic exercises.

Extract from the book « Power of Christianism ».


WORKSHEET #9: The Marvellous Exercise

When we create an uninterrupted current of continuous thought, it acquires a particular power, capable of provoking higher states of consciousness and powerful phenomena of extension of consciousness.


Dr. LEFEBURE Courses

Following a training is the guarantee of an effective practice.


WORKSHEET #10: Static Tensions

These exercises allow one to powerfully densify their double, making it even possible to manifest it at a distance. It was by using that technique that Dr. LEFEBURE was seen in places where he was not physically present.
Many Phosphenists have also been able to trigger this phenomenon: out-of-body experience with the objective perception of the subtle body.
Described here, is the exercise such as it was passed onto Dr. LEFEBURE by Zoroastrian Master Artheme Galip. Equivalents can be found in numerous traditions, for example in Shinto hermetism, Ko-Shinto, esoteric Shintoism where everything revolves around the sacred fire (phosphene) herald of revival.


Dr. LEFEBURE Courses

And particularly in the Koto Tama (the souls of words) at the end of the exercise called Funa Kogi, Furu Tama. Furu Tama can be literally translated as shaking the soul.

This rite, perfectly executed with the pronunciation of sounds, is certainly the active key, due to its high rhythmic frequency which permits one to attain the merging of body and spirit.

When the rhythms are anchored,
a simple reminder may suffice.

Artheme Galip, at the time when he initiated Doctor Francis Lefebure. One can note that the Master discreetly does the static tension exercise: clenched fists, the neck slightly swollen; his face, although tensed and slightly hardened, remains harmonious.

Note: This photo (reduced) is extracted from the book « Initiatic Experiences, Volume II ».

Dr. LEFEBURE demonstrating the exercise of static tensions: the jaw is slightly tightened, and the lungs are filled.
Discover ancestral techniques that allow to densify and project your energetic body,
by following the complete training.

Initiation is, above all, the discovery of a different world which is always present, here and now, but to which most people do not have access because of their ignorance of the laws that govern it. And these laws are known and have been applied since immemorial times.

If questions remain about them, it is due to the people who do not understand these phenomena, whether because they never have experienced them or because they have not followed the whole initiatic process. So, these people discuss these phenomena without understanding them thoroughly and spreading misconceptions that are often absurd. To give you just one example: nowadays, many people talk about the risk of getting lost in the « astral world », of breaking the “etheric link » or « the silver cord” which connects the ‟astral body” to the physical body, etc. In fact, these remarks are meaningless and demonstrate the experiential misunderstanding of those who make them.

When one understands that these phenomena are only subjective sensations, one realizes at the same time that there is absolutely no danger in letting oneself be carried away by these sensations. Experiencing these phenomena allows one to realize the actual existence of a subjective universe which does not belong to the material world, though it is connected to it.

That is why Phosphene is the key through which initiatic exercises, like static tensions, give unlimited access to this subjective world and to the genuine adventure which results from it.

But is that all? No, we must add that these sensations point to the existence of a sensory system related to a subtle energy. Consequently, we can conclude that there is a form of perception which has not been fully developed in human beings, not because they are not evolved enough, but because they do not use it. That is the reason why they do not understand how it works. Nothing else!

Note: At the beginning of the static tensions training, it is easier to contract the body’s muscles than to provoke a slight tension. But, it quickly becomes exhausting. That’s why it should not be abused. Fortunately, after a few days of training, one will find that a slight tension is enough, as it triggers the trembling of the muscles.

Static tensions do not require a so great physical effort. It is just a dosage’s question. And like all other initiatic techniques, we can find them in various traditions, where the principle is always the same: to accumulate energy in one’s brain thanks to physical rhythms; and even if their practice varies slightly from one tradition to another.

For instance, these exercises can be practiced lying down, sitting, or standing up. In the study of these exercises, depending on the different parts of the body and the groups of muscles that have been chosen, certain traditions break down the movements even more than what we have recommended in the ‟Practical Course of Astral Projection”.

In this course, the exercises are the continuation of those passed on by the Zoroastrian Initiation in which, on the contrary, only strong tensions of the whole body are practiced. We could say that the way Doctor Lefebure recommends doing them, which was transmitted to him by his first Master, seems to strike a happy medium in regard to other traditions.

It is important to note that the tradition one chooses to follow is of little importance. Whether one chooses a practice in which the movements are broken down or, on the contrary, a practice that puts the emphasis on global tensions of the whole body, the essential element in that kind of exercise is to choose one once and for all and stick to it.

Whether one chooses a practice in which the movements are broken down or, on the contrary, a practice that puts the emphasis on global tensions of the whole body, the essential element in that kind of exercise is to choose one once and for all and stick to it. Doctor Lefebure suggests breaking down the body in 7 parts followed by a global tension because his work follows in the lineage of Zoroastrian Initiation.

Then, once the rhythms have been assimilated, in other words when they start to occur spontaneously during sleep, one no longer has to break them down and can move on to practicing global tensions.

As everything is simply a question of an accumulation of rhythms, all one’s efforts need to be directed towards respecting the time durations provided in the practical course on astral projection. The suggested rhythms are the result of a study carried out by Doctor Lefebure on the alternation of double phosphenes, by using cerebroscopic examination.

(See his book: « Exploration of the brain by the oscillations of double phosphenes »).