Developing memory and intelligence by mixing thoughts and phosphenes.

For a mathematics lesson, the student thinks about the formula
he is studying during the phosphene‘s presence.


In 1959, while he was a doctor at the School Health Service, Dr. Francis Lefebure discovered and analyzed the stimulating effect of light on brain functions. His method is based on ‟phosphenes”, the multicolored spots that persist in the dark for 3 minutes after having focused on a strong light source for 30 seconds.

The extraordinary discovery of Dr. Lefebure is that MIXING A THOUGHT WITH A PHOSPHENE TRANSFORMS THE ENERGY OF LIGHT INTO MENTAL ENERGY. Phosphenes stimulate the development of memory, intelligence, attention, creativity and intuition.


The application of the method is easy and even enjoyable: children will spend the same amount of time studying as they normally would, but they will be able to memorize information better and will benefit from a development of cerebral capacities that will remain between the sessions.

Each different school subject has its mode of application: English, History, Geography, etc. In the case of mathematics, thinking will be more structured, and the information related to the question will be better assimilated. Significant progress and results will be observed quickly. Mental arithmetic exercises will become easier. The capacity to appreciate unfamiliar points of view will expand; the ability to formulate ideas for essays will be enhanced.
For the study of a foreign language, phosphenes will help memorizing new words, grammatical structures, and will help acquiring the right accent and intonation.


IN THE CASE OF CHILDREN OF ABOUT TEN YEARS OF AGE, THE IMPROVEMENTS AT SCHOOL CAN OFTEN BE NOTICED WITHIN A MONTH. The child learn faster, remember their lessons easier and are more attentive in class. The effects can be felt from the first session.


In Portugal, Professor Cruz from Lisbon, was commissioned by the government to perfect the educational methods of his country, and performed attention span tests with children, before and after a session of Phosphenic Mixing. It has been confirmed that cerebral capacities are enhanced after each session and that by repeating practice over a few weeks, half an hour a day, the improvement of the children’s attention span persisted between sessions.
Specific problems like DYSORTHOGRAPHIA, DYSLEXIA, STUTTERING, as well as SCHOOL DELAY can be corrected within a few months.


For nearly 40 years, Dr. Lefebure’s book ‟Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education” has helped thousands of children and students to pass their exams, and thus efficiently helps solving failure at school. Given all the problems in the school system today, more and more parents are using Phosphenism, as well as teachers who use the method in their remedial classes with considerable success.

‟Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education” is now in its 17th edition.


STUDENTS notice that they understand better and assimilate information faster. Their ideas become much more structured.

People who TAKE UP STUDYING AGAIN after a long period of intellectual inactivity, will notice quickly that their ability to concentrate improves, that they work faster and memorize more information about more varied subjects.

ADULTS can also benefit from this method in many ways: memory is stimulated, self-confidence is increased and creativity is developed. Nervous and physical resistance is enhanced, making it easier to cope with stress.

But Phosphenism is not only a method that helps one to work more efficiently; it is above all a technique that achieves a true personality’s enhancement, in complete independence.

The action of Phosphenic Mixing on sleep patterns is remarkable; many cases of insomnia have been cured by the method. Dreams become more colorful, logical and conscious.

The effects on eyesight are very positive. If the precautions we recommend are followed, the practice of Phosphenic Mixing is particularly beneficial, whether for the functions of the brain or for the health of the eyes themselves. These norms have been established by more than 30 years of experimentation with tens of thousands of cases.

Older people will experience a cerebral rejuvenation.


1st PART

Note: In the animation, the different phases (colors) duration of the phosphene has been shortened to avoid an illegal download of the animation.




A phosphene is produced by focusing, for approximately 20 seconds, on a white ‟natural daylight” light bulb placed at a distance of two to three yards (meters). These short periods of focusing are not at all tiring for the eyes and, on the contrary, constitute an excellent eye exercise. In the dark, the phosphene appears in the form of a patch of changing colors which persists for three minutes.

The colors of the phosphene:

After switching the phosphenic lamp off, you will perceive:
– during the first seconds: a short green phase (sometimes but not always),
– during the 1st minute: a yellow phosphene surrounded by a red border,
– during the 2nd minute: the dominant color of the phosphene is red/pink,
– during the 3rd minute: the phosphene is blue/black

Note: depending on the person, the phosphene applied to education may last 3 to 4 minutes and may disappear during short periods.


Phosphenes are all the subjective sensations of light (according to the French « LITTRE » dictionary).
They correspond to what ophthalmologists call images of retinal persistence, residual images, or after-images.


,Phosphenes constitute a wonderful method for analyzing all actions exerted on the brain. They allow us to determine, with precision, what is favorable or unfavorable for the good functioning of the brain and for the individual as a whole.

When phosphenes are associated with any traditional or modern exercise of personal development, the effects are multiplied in a considerable proportion. Moreover, phosphenes can be used to obtain the development of memory, attention, intelligence, initiative’s spirit and creativity. The method is thus a wonderful educational tool.

Phosphenes constitute a veritable accelerator of mental processes. They allow to exert a direct action on the thoughts, their content, their quality and their organization, then to optimize the results of reflection and all intellectual efforts.

Phosphenes were at the origin of all the discoveries made by Doctor LEFEBURE.

Phosphenes are primarily made up of movements and rhythms. Movement and rhythms comprise the very definition of energy. That energy corresponds to cerebral rhythms. Phosphenes are the amplified reflection of our brain functions. They show us very precisely how our brain works: the rhythmic functioning of its two hemispheres. Attention, memory and reflection depend on the regularity of the cerebral oscillation.


Doing phosphenes without thinking doesn’t develop anything in the mental; only the Phosphenic Mixing develops all the intellectual faculties as a whole.

‟Mixing” means blending.

So, Phosphenic Mixing consists of mixing our thinking and a phosphene.

This « mixing » depends either only on time (keeping a precise thought chosen in advance during the presence of the phosphene) or both on time and space (putting this visual or auditive thought inside the phosphene).

That second manner to proceed is more effective but more difficult. In order to obtain concrete results in the development of mental capacities, it is necessary to associate phosphenes with the work, studies or subjects of reflection.


2nd PART

Phosphenic techniques provide elements that can solve many problems, as proved by all the students who have used the method of Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education. They have been able to reap such huge benefits from it that phosphenes have now become an integral part of their life because their action is rapid, deep and long-lasting.

Within a very short time, reading with phosphenes gives very good results. Mixing a thought with a phosphene increases attention and consequently memory. The text is thus better assimilated. Phosphenes also exert an action on comprehension.



Reading using phosphenes.

Reading with phosphenes is done with the eyes open; the phosphene can be perceived just as well with the eyes closed as with the eyes open.

You need to equip yourself with two lamps, one with a special ‟daylight” bulb for doing phosphenes, and the other one, a simple desk lamp, for lighting the text because at the beginning the phosphene will be very intense and can hamper reading.

When a student is reading during the presence of the phosphene, the main ideas are better grasped, including the main and secondary ideas. The meaning of the text as a whole is understood better. The overall structure of the text is assimilated better and the student is able to identify its various components much easier. In the course of time, and on the condition that they read their lessons every day using phosphenes, students will notice that they learn faster and retain information better. Significant results are shown in marks at school and teachers are surprised by the improvement in grades.
The results are quite striking when children work with phosphenes.

Teachers who use the phosphenic method in remedial courses at school tell us that the parents are the first to be surprised by the results obtained, and the progress made is so obvious that they ‟stay astounded”.

Phosphenic Mixing makes problems of dyslexia and dysorthographia disappear, as these two problems are caused by the practice of making children conform to rules and habits which do not correspond to their cerebral rhythms.

Thanks to phosphenes, many children and adults have successfully been able to overcome these problems which are very widespread and often continue into adulthood if they are not treated.

Apart from the increase in cerebral energy provided by phosphenes, reading with phosphenes is the only method that allows to:

– increasing the speed of reading and, consequently of studying,

– increasing the capacity of memorization,

– and, very importantly, facilitates the understanding of the content of the subjects studied.

Phosphenic Mixing consists of mixing a thought with a phosphene.


3rd PART

After reading a passage or a chapter, do a phosphene, and then in the dark, from the moment you focus on the lamp so as not to waste time, begin to think again about what you have just studied.

As soon as you have done the phosphene, put a blindfold over your eyes; during the presence of the phosphene, briefly think again about what you have just studied, it will have the effect of helping you to remember the passage that was read.



The mixture of a thought with
a phosphene is called: Phosphenic Mixing.

Many people like to read under the sun, which enlightened their books.

Usually, when you read in a room, the light is indirect or too far from the text, or perhaps even too weak for allowing the production of a phosphene, whereas the reflection of solar light on a book produces a phosphene by its reflection on the white page.

At a very young age, Dr. LEFEBURE made the following observation:

‟Up until the age of 12, I was a dunce at school and I suffered from it very much. It was to such a point that when I was 11 years old, my teacher wanted to definitively expel me from high school and I was able to stay only thanks to the energetic intervention of my grandmother. But, when I was twelve, after the Easter holidays, I suddenly became a good student in a way that was so unexpected that my classmates carried me in triumph around the schoolyard. Later on, I was always among the best students in sciences.

So, what happened during these famous Easter holidays? We had moved. Before, I was living in an apartment where there never was any sun. The new apartment was magnificently bright and I acquired the habit of studying often with the sun‘s light shining on the book, although some people claimed that I would hurt my eyes. But, that was not so. And quite to the contrary, it was from that moment on that I became a good pupil. I believe that this event is a kind of foreshadowing of my researches on phosphenes. »

We understand a text better and remember it better if it is strongly lit. If this is done with a light bulb, we must be careful that it is set in a deep metal reflector, to avoid the rays shining directly in the eyes. If it is the sun that lights our text, we need to turn our back three-quarters to it so that only the book receives the light.

‟Afterwards, I was always among the best in sciences, and I was among the first in the P.C.N. (Physics, Chemistry, Natural Sciences), in the preparatory year in Medicine, even though there were more than four hundred candidates in this session and I was among the youngest (17 years old).”

Not everybody is lucky enough to live in a very sunny region, so for stimulating the phosphenic functions while studying we can advantageously use Dr. LEFEBURE‘s lamp by placing it close enough and slightly above the book or the text, in such a way as not to be hampered by the lamp‘s bulb. What interests us here, is taking advantage of the reflection of the light on the pages and therefore constantly creating phosphenes without having to worry about it. Then we read normally. The only difference is a much better lighting of the text. But what a difference it makes!

However, be careful, it is not because one lives in a sunny region that one will be necessarily more intelligent and succeed better in studies. Because it is all just a question of context. DOING PHOSPHENES ALONE DEVELOPS NOTHING or nearly nothing. It is only the combination of thoughts with phosphenes (their mixing) that allows the development of memory and attention. It is quite obvious that, in a sunny region, it is easier to practice this ‟mixing”, even involuntarily.


There is no limit to the number of phosphenes that can be done during a session. Many students practice several hours in a row without the slightest amount of fatigue, focusing every five, ten, or fifteen minutes depending on the subject being studied. Children only need to do their homework and learn their lessons using phosphenes to see the grades in school improve quickly.

Students and adults often study several hours in a row because of the great number of subjects in the programs of study. All they have to do is associate phosphenes with their studies, that saves time and allows the accumulation of a considerable amount of energy in thoughts and the nervous system. Therefore, one should systematically do as many phosphenes as possible while studying.

Phospheno-teaching is not only a method that allows one to work more efficiently: it is above all a technique which allows a real blossoming of the personality.

That is why Dr. LEFEBURE made the distinction between two separate areas of application: the study of rhythmo-phosphenic techniques on one hand and the educational method on the other hand, which he developed in his book ‟Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education”, a method for which he was awarded the Silver medal at the Inventors Fair in Brussels, in 1975.

Long misunderstood, the practice of focusing on light sources was considered to be a simple rite whose meaning and importance ended up being forgotten by certain traditions and practices. Nonetheless, it is not a question of utopia or even faith, which is only a last resort for reassuring oneself. The initiatic experience begins now; in other words, it is a part of everyday life. It enriches life because it provides a ‟new” means for understanding it. It is no longer an empty hope but a considerable number of benefits in everyday life. And we can test it for ourselves if we really want to. Dr. LEFEBURE has given us the means. Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education is certainly the most beautiful gift that he offered to humanity! It is up to humanity to put it to use…

The Ancients often said: ‟Light is the source of knowledge”.
Today, thanks to the works of Dr. LEFEBURE, we understand why.

An auditive equivalent of the Phosphenic Mixing: the Acouphenic Mixing.


An auditive equivalent of the Phosphenic Mixing

4th PART

The Acouphenic Mixing consists of mixing thoughts (homework, lessons, daily concerns, etc.) with physiological tinnitus (or acouphenes, in French.

Note: Pathological acouphenes have no utility and may even be harmful.

The acouphene is the equivalent of the phosphene in the domain of audition. These ‟phene” possess the same properties relatively to the development of ideation and creativity. The advantage is that the child or the student who does not have the opportunity of working with phosphenes reaps the same benefits through the practice of easy and daily exercises using acouphenes.



Learning by blocking one‘s ears.

Many children do that spontaneously for learning their lessons.

By blocking our ears, not only do we cut ourselves off from the noise of our environment but above all we listen to what takes place within ourselves. At first, what we feel and hear clearly, are the pulsations coming from the heartbeats. Then, we perceive a humming, a whistling or a gentle hissing: the different aspects of the sound of blood circulation amplified by the cranium. This phenomenon is the one that we have children listen to by putting a shell against their ear, telling them that they are hearing the noise of the sea. That is the physiological acouphene.

It is possible to combine Acouphenic Mixing and Phosphenic Mixing.

If you are a student, now you know the keys to success.
The only thing you need is a natural daylight bulb for doing phosphenes.

So, don’t wait any longer and start practicing PHOSPHENIC MIXING right away.