Dr. LEFEBURE's School

proposes you to follow a Complete Training in Phosphenism, according to your free time.

Phosphenism, its effects are no longer to be proven, but to discover.
To follow a training program is the assurance of an effective practice.

Our formula: E-learning with video content (available for life) as well as technical and pedagogical support (available for all the training program duration).

Registration at any time of the year.

Training duration: 10 months with an average of 1 hour class every 4 days.

What is it all about?

By subscribing to this training program, which consists of 62 lessons distributed over 15 courses, you are guaranteed to follow the authentic method of Dr. LEFEBURE, as he taught it to his spiritual heir, Daniel STIENNON.

And thanks to these latter, who will be your teacher through the lessons he has recorded for you, you will learn to practice the initiatic exercises that will allow you:
– in terms of pedagogy, to greatly improve your learning capabilities and your cognitive faculties (attention, memory, intelligence, creativity, etc.),
– in terms of individual development, to strengthen your anchoring and alignment, leading you to greater self-confidence and well-being,
– in terms of initiatory, to realize experiences giving access to extraordinary states of consciousness.


E-learning from home means:
– not be disturbed by a hazardous external environment (weather, number of students per teacher, etc.)
– save on travel, accommodation and food costs,
– study each lesson at your own pace and return to previous lessons as often as you like; which is not the case when you are face-to-face with a teacher.

This Complete Training in Phosphenism offers you a solid curriculum made up of top-level theory and a wealth of practical experience.

Total hours of theoretical teachings and practical exercises:
Videos = 100h + Audios = 40h

Daniel Stiennon spent the last 7 years of Dr. LEFEBURE’s life with him. He is his unique spiritual heir and has received the Supreme Initiation from him.

Not only has he studied all the traditional initiatic orders, but he has also practiced the exercises left by Dr. LEFEBURE daily, allowing him to compare his experiences with those of the greatest Yogis and Swamis of the Middle East.

In his teachings, he will reveal to you what Dr. LEFEBURE called the « narrow door » that leads to liberation or, in other words, the only key to freeing oneself from the laws of reincarnation.

So, thanks to this training program, you will understand not only how Phosphenism can transform your current life, but also how it can help you to approach life differently.


Practical application of the basic initiatic techniques

1st part:

How to transform light energy into mental energy and use the phosphene for the development of your attention, memory, intelligence, and creativity thanks to the PHOSPHENIC MIXING.

2nd part:

How to apply Phosphenism in your daily life to progress in your Individual Development.
How to use the phosphene to have a positive action on your destiny and contact your Higher Self.
During this training program, you will learn the only traditional initiatic techniques that can allow you to transcend your Higher Being and are untaught by other methods due to ignorance.

So, if you want to access a higher level of knowledge and enter the world of Initiation, you are in the right place.

Indeed, this training program will teach you all the techniques that form the content of the traditional initiatic teachings only known by the rare brotherhoods of initiates that remain alive, particularly in Asia, whether in China, India, or Iran, and in Africa, whether in Arabia or Maghreb, but also in the rest of the world.

So, you will go far beyond what you can find through modern methods of personal development.

Because what you will learn there will provide a superior dimension to your practices and life.

In this training program, you will find out what makes Phosphenism the only Royal Initiatic Way of the modern era or, in other words, the Way of Unlimited Personal Development.

Because what you will learn is not taught in any other modern allegedly initiatic movement, unlike the ancient ones.

Actually, practicing Phosphenism means going back to the sources of the traditional initiatic teachings that are far away from the so-called techniques of Personal Development and New Age.

Indeed, you will explore a completely different universe, which is well-known to all who have understood that these two dead-end ways form a glass ceiling that prevents access to the realization of the Higher Self.

And once you will have tasted it, you will understand that you have to turn to the initiatic teachings, which are the only way to free yourself from the cycle of reincarnation.


During this training program, you will study why Phosphenism will allow you to develop in priority the understanding of what you are tending towards by blossoming the best of yourself in harmonious originality that expresses itself through creativity.

By the way, to convince you, you only have to observe snow crystals under a microscope.

And you will notice that no two are alike, although their angles are all sixty degrees.

So, the principle is the same for humans.

That is why the capabilities you will develop, thanks to Phosphenism, will be intimately personal to you, coming in addition to those we are used to seeing in most practitioners.

In the program (small excerpt):
The basics of Phosphenic Mixing applied to Education:
– how to make the Phosphene,
– how to work with the Diffuse Glow,
– how to reap advantages from Polarized Light,
– how to use the Phosphene to empower the Personal Development techniques and make them truly effective,
– how to channel the Phosphene to get revelations about what is best for you,
– how to understand why only Phosphene allows you to act upon your destiny,
– how to develop strength of character and a strong mind,
– how to acquire faculties for meditation and high focusing.
– how to practice dynamic meditation,
– etc., etc.

The 3 keys of Individual Development. Learn why, without the simultaneous use of these three keys, it is impossible to obtain a concrete result.

The power of head sways. Discover the importance of swaying in the brain’s higher faculties unfolding.



They allow you to acquire a greater strength of character, a firmer anchoring in life, and a better centering, which makes you no longer subject to the stresses of modern life.

– Chases away the dark thoughts.
– Develops emotional anchoring and stability.
– Improves self-confidence.
– Strengthens and structures your personality, bringing greater inner strength to face new experiences.

They also empower intuition. Notice how one could avoid mistakes in life if one had just a bit more instinct. Rather than exclaiming, « Ha! If I had known, I would have been able to » It would be better to say, « If I had had more intuition, it would have saved me from making this mistake. »



They will allow you to reach wakefulness in sleep, lucid dreams, and extensions of consciousness.

They will trigger dreams of ascending (moving at high speed) that feel like flying in the air as well as out-of-body experiences on condition that they are well executed.

And thus, they will be a good practice to prepare yourself for astral travel.



They transform daydreams into concrete actions, allowing you to carry out endeavors in your life.

And they tend to move you into action, bring your thoughts to the future, and realize your projects.

How many times do we hear it? « If I had known or done this earlier, a lot of things I could have changed in my life. »



or Swaying of the Gypsies.

It can deliver great clairvoyance on your path in life.

It is also the sway that most easily allows the transmission of power.



or Swaying of Christ.

This kind of sways allows you to obtain dreams of an initiatic type, during which you receive advice on the exercises you should practice to boost your self-development; which will keep you in tune with your deepest aspirations.

Thanks to them (and Him), we continue to progress because the guidance we receive during this kind of dream is closely related to our most intimate aspirations.



Allows you to combine several of the effects described above.

Ideal for those who do not have much time to practice.



Like the previous straight head sways, they are part of true Yoga and authentic initiation teachings.

They will allow you to:
– develop your magnetism or, in other words, your magnetic force,
– awaken your chakras and become aware of them,
– acquire a much better health.



or The Royal Exercise:

It grants access to higher levels of consciousness.

Also in the program (small excerpt):


– Learn how to build your mantras on your own according to the goals you are trying to achieve.
– Learn how to practice and pronounce correctly the OM mantra.


Learn how phosphenic energy can be telepathically transmitted and how to do it.


Learn how to control your feelings and direct your experiences to obtain the information you need or require.


Learn how to perceive the aura’s people and things and what are its colors.


You will learn that thinking transmission is much easier to provoke than you might imagine, especially when you use the rhythm of thinking at one-sixth of a second.

Indeed, thanks to the rapid mantras that are one of the yogis’ greatest secrets, you will be able to provoke a myriad of phenomena in your consciousness, including the famous rise of Kundalini, which, contrary to what is said in certain misinformed circles, presents no danger whatsoever.



You will discover the Pneumophene that is to breathing what the Phosphene is to sight.

And you will learn how to use what Hindus call prana thanks to the four conditions that make breathing spiritual.



You will learn how to realize this exercise that is surely the most difficult among all the Yoga exercises.

And you will learn that the mental emptiness provided by this concentration on Shiva’s eye has nothing to do with what modern Tibetan Yoga teaches.

That is why this exercise is also one of the most secret ones of Yoga and why people who realize this wrongly can develop mental problems, as is the case for many yogis in India.



You will learn how to appear anywhere in the world, as Dr. LEFEBURE did more than once, while your body is in your bed.

Thus, you will discover that the mysterious phenomenon called bilocation is not the prerogative of the Saints, nor a supernatural power, but a human capability that anyone can develop with a lot of practice.

Now that you know what’s involved this basic training, please answer these questions inwardly:
– How much time and money have you already spent with ineffective methods that teach you some techniques that work, at best, once in two, and at worst, never?

– How many books on Spirituality or internships of Personal Development have you read or participated in until now, without ever breaking out of the infernal loop of highs and lows or, in other words, the pleasure-suffering duality?

– How many more years are you prepared to spend on the surface of things, going round in circles? Wouldn’t you rather go deeper and start to really evolve?


Practical application of the advanced initiatic techniques
PHOSPHENISM, which is the science of phosphenes (or phosphenology), comes from the dawn of humankind.

It is involved in all cultures at all times around the world.

However, because of the obviousness feeling, that indisputable fact was never openly highlighted until Dr. LEFEBURE’s work.

From then on, Phosphenism is arguably the highest initiatic teaching, as it is deeply rooted in every individual, physiologically speaking.

It is, therefore, a traditional method for psychic faculties development that gives access to Initiation in the spiritual sense of the term.

After his initiation with the Zoroastrian master Artheme Galip, Dr. LEFEBURE devoted his life to the initiatic teachings.

His work consisted primarily in bringing to light the techniques that lead to inner fulfillment through a combo of the most powerful exercises that quickly give access to advanced states of consciousness.

And then, after many years of research, he was finally able to build a simple and effective method that leads us to verify by practicing each theoretical element he talks about in his books.

The main initiatic techniques, formerly reserved for a few « chosen ones, » are now within your reach.

This method and all the knowledge accumulated through it is the guarantee of a successful initiation.

Because, no matter what anyone says, only one criterion is valid:


Gone are the long years of waiting, hard work, and dependence on a guru, as it is usually the case in oriental schools.

Gone are the often disappointed hopes of achieving inner experiences and the temptation to take drugs to get there.

The results obtained by all serious practitioners of phosphenic techniques confirm that the experiences you will live will not only be regular but will lead you to a bona fide understanding of your inner life.


Thanks to an in-depth study of initiatic techniques, this training program offers you a progressive approach to inner phenomena.

It goes from the most basic experiences, such as the perception of your energetic body, to the most advanced ones, such as fusion with universal consciousness and unconditional love, passing through out-of-body experiences and astral travel.

Furthermore, the work on the energy centers called chakras in Yoga will let you explore a new world or, more precisely, new dimensions of reality that allow you to expand your consciousness toward other perceptions and conceptions.

So, thanks to rhythmo-phosphenism, seekers of truth and absoluteness will finally find meaning in their lives.

Indeed, through the increase of cerebral rhythms and internal energies, the practice of rythmo-phosphenism allows, among other things, to trigger extensions of consciousness and, as a start, to make you initially aware of your night activities.

You thus will discover what some people have called « Lost Paradise » in the distant past; the objective being to reach a state of hyperconsciousness at night, plunging you into a fairy-tale world rich in impressions, sensations, and information.

And through these fantastic inward experiences, you will realize that you can access the deepest part of your personal universe, which is the ultimate goal of all life, and that only a handful of initiates, whatever the tradition, have ever achieved.

Because a detailed and in-depth study of these phenomena, which are initiatic experiences, will let you discover the foundations of authentic universal knowledge that has been spoken of so often in sacred books for thousands of years.

The true meaning of Initiation (from the Latin « initium »: beginning, inception) is to unleash subtle energies that make it possible to realize and express the latent faculties towards which each individual tends.


Basic Training + Advanced Training + Expert Training

In this formula, we propose you follow the complete training from home and at your own pace, thanks to the courses of Dr. LEFEBURE and Daniel STIENNON.

You will receive 1 course on average every 4 days for 10 months, according to the degree of difficulty, for the basic and advanced levels.
You will have a lifetime access to your personal space and a temporary one to technical and pedagogical support to obtain answers to all your questions.
A teaching of unbeatable quality you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

The advantage of this type of e-learning is that you can study each course at your own pace and go back to a previous session as many times as you wish, which is not the case in face-to-face teachings where there are a teacher and other students.



Phosphenism, its effects are no longer to be proven but to discover.

99,99 % Satisfaction! Thousands of testimonies attest to this.


Open to all, at any time.

72 videos with Dr. LEFEBURE himself for more than 24 hours of training about « Scientifically Advanced Zoroastrian Initiation » where he transmits the Initiation firstly to a group and secondly to a person.

+ Dr. LEFEBURE Courses (928$)

50 videos on Rhythmo-Phosphenism from Daniel STIENNON  for more than 50 hours of basic and advanced practical exercises.
Practical course about
Spiritual Breathing

Practical course about
Astral Projection

Practical course about
Clairvoyance Development
An access to Daniel Stiennon’s esoteric blog:

– The Pyramid of Knowledge.

– The 3 Forms of Initiation Transmission.

– The Way of the Middle Ground.

– The Power of the Light Ring.

– The Cave of Knowledge.

– The Swayed Thinking in the Light.

– The Reversed Thinking.

IN ADDITION, for you to access ALL Dr. LEFEBURE’s works, we offer digital replicas of his ingenious inventions:
* e-Mantratron (49$)
* e-Alternophone (298$)
* e-Gyrascope (498$)
Gold Club e-Card (valid for life) giving access to Expert Training.
+ Illimited Access Guarantee

You benefit from a permanent online access to your training and products whenever you need them.

Your pledge of serenity!

In the event of a computer crash, a handling error, a change of computer, a reinstallation of the operating system, etc., do not worry.

Your subscription will allow you to recover all the contents of your training, and your products, at any time, whatever the circumstances.

Many bonuses and resources such as Synchrophony (67$).

Total hours of theoretical teachings and practical exercises:
Videos = 100h + Audios = 40h

The satisfaction rate in France at [current_date format=’d/m/Y’] of those who have finished the complete training is:


You too, join the group of Expert Phosphenists.

Gift :

The ABC of PHOSPHENIC MIXING : Succeed in your studies, your exams, your projects.
SYNCHROPHONY : the first neuro-synchronizer
And many more to discover

+ Gift :

Special phosphenic bulbs set.
Shipped by parcel post.
Depending on your country,
in 110v or 220v


Practical application of the expert initiatic techniques
Access conditions:
1) Holding the Gold Club e-Card.
2) Having finished the Basic and Advanced Training.
3) Having recorded a video testimonial.


About it…

This part of the training program will constitute the last course of the Complete Training in Phosphenism.

It will be dedicated to the latest discoveries that Daniel Stiennon will be sharing with you via his blog.

You will find some of the highest esoteric teachings and exercises that you won’t find in any other initiatic order in the world, as they have been revealed to him during his nocturnal experiences, during which he reaches the higher planes of consciousness and accesses the information that accelerates the evolution of human beings.

However, as this part of the training program is highly secret, we can’t tell you more here.


Once you will have finished the training program, you will be able to become an Expert in Phosphenism and/or distributor of Dr. LEFEBURE’s method; which means becoming our partner.

Indeed, if you wish to help us to continue spreading Phosphenism throughout the world, we will welcome you to the team, according to your skills, on a voluntary or salaried basis, depending on the nature of your help.

Thus, you could become one of our local representatives, either as a simple Phosphenist, or as a community manager on social networks, a coach in Phosphenism, a workshop leader, a conference speaker, or even a Phosphenologist (a researcher in Phosphenology), and so on.